Wednesday, October 17, 2007

23 Week Check-Up

23 weeks and 4 days – that’s what the babies were measuring Friday. They weigh about 636 grams each, which equates to 1 lb 6 oz. Wow! They’re really becoming babies. While they’ve been busy growing, mommy has not – only 1 lb of weight gained over the past 4 weeks. Everything’s going well!

This weekend John and I, along with the two Gage aunt’s (Angie & Ashley) put together a crib and a dresser. Now we can wash and put away all the little clothes we’ve accumulated. Pictures of the nursery and shower gifts can be found under the pictures link soon.

The babies are now moving around quite busily. It’s pretty much the strangest feeling I’ve ever experienced. They like to move around the most when I lie down in bed at night. They’re definitely working on packing on the pounds because I’ve noticed a distinct increase in my appetite just the last couple days. That’s a good thing because we do not want teeny tiny babies. John originally said they have to be at least 6 pounds but he’s recently increased that request to 8 pounds apiece. Now that’s a lot of baby!

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