Monday, July 16, 2007

Kristie's First Craving

Last weekend Kristie had her first official craving, she wanted a Twinkie. We didn't have any so I offered to run to the store and buy a box. It was late and she decided she could find something suitable in our cupboards. Find something she did!

Kristie's Sweet Confection

5 Jumbo Marshmallows
2 Heaping Tablespoons Peanut Butter

Microwave on high for 30 seconds. Top with chocolate syrup as necessary.

Two packages of Twinkies magically appeared by the time Kristie awoke the next morning. They weren't as good as she had hoped.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

10 Weeks down, lots to go

Today was the 10 week appointment – nerve-wracking but all news was good. The ultrasound showed that Baby B was 10 wks 6 days, and Baby A was about 10 wks 4 days (this one has always been scrunched and curled up, so measurements are difficult). I wasn’t expecting to hear heartbeats, or John would have been with me, but I did! It was very exciting and slightly surreal to realize that there are currently 3 hearts beating inside me. It makes me feel like an alien! Both babies were moving around like crazy. When they get big enough for me to feel all that moving around, my stomach will probably seem like there’s a boxing match going on in there. Strike that – UFC fight, not boxing – much more entertaining!

The first trimester is almost over, which hopefully means that this ever-present nausea will be dissipating. The last few days it’s definitely been getting worse instead of better. On a happier note, I’m feeling much better at night, allowing me to sleep and then not be so stupidly tired during the day. It’s probably a favorable trade off but I don’t feel that way in the morning when I’m brushing my teeth and trying with all my might not to barf on the toothbrush. Being on summer break during all of this has been wonderful. School? Work? What’s that? Going back is about the last thing on my mind right now.

Today’s appointment really made me realize that this is for real. I thought I had a firm grasp on that weeks ago, but I was wrong. It’s very exciting and yet terrifying all at the same time. Two newborns…oh my gosh! I can’t even imagine what it will all be like. As the doctor said…“Wah Lah! Instant family!”

Stay tuned for the next update. The next doctor’s appointment is scheduled on the father-to-be’s birthday – August 9th! John will be along for that visit, so for his birthday he’ll get to see his two new additions for the very first time! (Does that mean I don't have to buy him anything?)